Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Mason's new backpack

Mason's school hands out bags for each kid to bring to school. Today Mason was upgraded from a baby bag to a big boy backpack!  He is very proud! 

 Starting the car so we can leave for school. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Walking the puppies

Mason has been helping me walk the puppies at night. He likes to walk Mookie, the older boxer, and assigns me to walk Richter.

He is very good at watching out for cars, and pulls Mookie safely to the curb when a car passes by. 

Lately, he has been enjoying the walks so much that given the choice between walks or park, he always says "walk my puppies"!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Airport Fire Station

On our day off, Anthony planned a family field trip to the fire station at the airport. 
They recently got a few new engines, and the station is right next to the runway so  you get to see planes landing right outside the bay doors of the station.

 Yellow fire trucks instead of the traditional red.

Giant spike on the front of the fire truck to  penetrate a burning plane and spray to fight a fire.

 Private Jet for FSU basketball team

Florida First Lady Ann Scott's plane

Watching planes land 

 The Air Force has little planes like this for pilots to log their practice hours. We stood and watched at least 8 planes land.

Fun family field trip!

Debbie's BIG Birthday at St George Island

We rented a house on St George Island for a long weekend, to celebrate Debbie's birthday. Everyone stayed in one big house, even Theresa and her family flew in from New York. It was a little chilly, but we had a great time. 

Riding bikes 

Mason pulled the beach cart all over the island 

Birthday girl

We made grilled burgers, grilled oysters and Pizza Frit (fried dough) one day