Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Mason turns 4!

Our big guy turned 4! I can't believe how mature, tall, funny (like his dad) and smart he is! I begged him to be 3 again this year, but he said no way mamma!!

We had cupcakes at school and then pizza and cake at the house to celebrate. 

Mason's friend Makayla 

Party at home 

Buddy Aspen 

Cousin Poppi

Paw patrol cake 

It was a fun party celebrating Mason!

Labor Day Weekend with Hermine

It's Labor Day weekend, Chris and my parents all came to visit for the long weekend and for Mason's Birthday Party... Until Hurricane Hermine changed everything. 

Hermine hit on Thursday night, we were very fortunate that we were safe and our house had no damage. Tallahassee was without power for days, so we had to cancel Mason's birthday party and move out to Lake Talquin for a few days. It was a big family sleepover, including our 2 dogs! 

Baking birthday cookies with Aunt Kis

Sunday morning church had no electricity and was cancelled, so we went bowling to get out of the house and do something fun!

Such a fun family outing for all of us!

Finally! Someone to play with.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016