Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Dillon's first day at school: Back to Reality

Monday was Dillon's first day at school, and my first day back to work. We both survived! Mason is very excited to have Dillon at school with him everyday, and likes to help drop him off at the infant room before going to his own class. 

His teacher Miss Kristin emailed throughout his first day. They said he was a little upset the first 30 minutes but was very happy and talkative the rest of the day.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

PB&J Picnic

It was beautiful yesterday, so while Anthony was working and Dillon was asleep- Mason and I had a PB&J picnic!

Mason loves to be outside, so we try and take advantage of any days where the weather is warm.

Dillon is 3 Months Old

Dillon is 3 months old. He smiles, laughs, and talks a lot! He loves his playmat, but prefers to be sitting up. No updates on height or weight until our 4 month check up next month... But I can tell you he's getting bigger everyday!

 In a few days he will be headed to school with Mason so I can go back to work- boo! 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Professional Family Photos

Our friend Taina is a photographer who takes beautiful family pictures and we have worked with her many times before. I wanted to share some of the professional pictures she took of our family when Dillon was 2 weeks old. 

This is where my little goof ball started to come out...


Thanks Tai Nunez Photography tainunez.com

Mason's Cutie Patootie