Tuesday, August 18, 2015

First Day of School

Yesterday was the first day of school. Mason moved into the 3 year old big boy class. He was shy for the first 30 seconds, then jumped right in with the other kids. His teacher, Ms. Andrea, use to be his assistant teacher in another class, so we were excited he already knows and likes her!

 K3B Class
Playing with trucks in the morning before circle time. 

  His classroom has multiple play centers.  His favorite so far is the science center. His teacher said he played a long time with magnets and a magnifying glass. His new class has a few more rules, structured time frames and gets to use the BIG playground! 
 When I picked him up from school, we stayed a long time seeing his classroom and hearing about his first day. He was so proud!
(Mom, look on the shelf behind Mason in the pic above..They will be using the wooden building blocks this year) 

1 comment:

  1. I am gonna need some new school pics, please. I have been looking at these daily for the past week and now that it is the second week of school, I am going to need some second week of school pics. ~ Aunt Kis
